Hey Party People,
I want to start by wishing you a happy belated Valentine’s Day! I hope you enjoyed yourselves. I did! Over the course of about 2 weeks I pondered on what I wanted to post on Valentine’s day for you,so, i decided to dance! I’d like to say dancing was always in my bag I just hadn’t found the right genre until now. Pole Dancing! I love being a pole dancer. I fell strong, powerful, and sexy. There is a struggle of balancing what’s to much for social media and what’s just right. There is usually some push back from people once you open yourself up to the world and show them yourself and your bitty cheeks. A self that is not what they are use to seeing, but I’m not letting it stop me. It’s only the doubt. Ari Party is committed to growing and doing things that I imagine. So, as some of you may have saw I posted my v-day routine, and i’m so proud of myself. Everything about it was true to me. In the street there is a expression,”turned out” which means someone has let someone turn them into something they aren’t unknowingly. That’s not my journey I like to think of myself as a late bloomer. I’ve reached my 30’s and it’s now or never. I’m going for gold. I’m taking my precious persona and keeping it to myself, but as far as social media goes I am breaking rules! I had to learn how to breakout of the norm of what’s going on around me. I have to add to what’s missing. I really have to give people what they want. It’s hard. It takes being brave to overcome the things in your head telling you that you can’t. I’ve struggled with listening to my inner voice on the right things to do, but now I know that it’s really just me doubting me. I’m turning myself into a recognizable person, and into a recognizable brand. Cheers to you Party People, may you turn yourself out and because the best you!
Love, Ari Party.